Tuesday,Tuesday, Whatvis up for your day?
Good morning Carla and everyone....
Carla...I have never needed a B-12 shot. I heard they work well. My B-12 level has never been off. Have fun at the Cross-stitch shop!!
I didn't get up until 9:00 this morning. I seem to be needing the extra sleep. I haven't done much this morning. I went and got my mail and chatted with a few of the ladies here. I want to get out and work on the puzzle at some point today. I didn't do any while my Gracie was here. I need to to laundry today or tomorrow. I also need to get some groceries in the next few days.
I will check back in later. I want to go check "Poe Progress" now. Many prayers for Butch and Vickie as always.
Wishing you all a beautiful day!!!
Prayers for our wonderful OFF Family.
Lots of love and oodles of hugs to all....connie d
Good Afternoon Carla, Connie and OFF,
I overslept terribly this morning. Then, I went and voted. It's primary election day today in Michigan. Everything is so different here. In PA, we register by party, and can only vote in our party's primary. Here, if you choose to, you can vote in the other party's primary. Your ballot has to be only one party though. Also, in PA, we voted by in an electronic ballot booth. Here, it's a paper ballot, put through some sort of electronic scanner. Very, very different.
I have some cooking to do, as well as tidying. It's too warm to cut the grass. Plus, it looks like it might storm again. I'll see how it is after I eat lunch.
I have some stuff to do on the laptop too.
Hugs and prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Carla and my OFF family:
I'm glad I have the day off. I feel really crappy. Not sneezing too much, just feel wrung out. My landlord is supposed to come by and see why my outside lights aren't working, and the cleaning lady I called is supposed to come by. Other than that, not doing much. I've done laundry, too. It's kind of overcast and there's some rain forecast. Good day to stay inside.
Carla, I've never had a B12 shot either. I just take B12 pills. I had my labs drawn recently and all my levels are really good.
Well, not much happening here. I feel ready for a nap. Have a good day.
Afternoon OFF family!!!
Well I got the painting just about done...as done as its going to get for right now any ways...I am sore as heck!!! Far as I am concerned its good enough for inspection...needs another coat I think...have to wait and see how I dries....this humidity stinks!!! Paint is still sticky from yesterdays painting!!! WOW!!!
Got to work this morning and NO INTERNET AGAIN!!!! I hate FRONTIER!!!!!!!!! Called them and they wanted me to unplug everything!!!!!!!!! I told them WHY? I had it last night when I shut everything down!!! I have to go through so much to UNPLUG EVERYTHING!!! I asked...IS THERE A PROBLEM IN THE AREA? She said NO. She asked me again to unplug everything. I again told her I had way to much to go through to do that. I said I had TIMEWARNER in my apartment right next to this office and I had NO PROBLEM WITH MY INTERNET!!!!!!! She asked me WHAT AREA ARE YOU IN? I told her GALION OHIO. She said OH MY I SEE AN OUTAGE THERE. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I said to her you are so lucky lady...I then said are they working on it now? She sad Yes. How long will it be?? NO IDEA. WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was 8 AM I got internet BACK ON at 3:35 PM!!!!!!!! WTH???????
Got a call from my boss...seems the jerk that we gave a trespass to sent her a nasty email. How did he get her email?????? Not from me!!!!!! He asked her if she knew what ugly was? Told her to look in a mirror! Then said to watch out KARMA would get her!! WTH?????? I asked her if she was going to take that as a threat? She said she was saving that email. OK. Well a few minutes ago I got a phone call and it was the OWNER!!! HE got an email from this jerk!!! He didn't say what it said but asked me if I gave him his email??? NO I DID NOT!!!! He then asked what happened and I told him how this tresspassing came about...OK sooooo not sure if the owner is going to call police on this jerk or what is going to happen now. I say this jerk is making threats in my opinion. We ARE watching our backs!!! AND our truck and car!!!! I am calling the police and asking them to do some extra drive throughs/bys for awhile just incase. This guy is off his rocker!!!! And Connie do not worry about us...we are ok and will be ok!!!!
Supposed to go for a seminar talk and free dinner tonight with our chiro dr tonight. Not sure if we will go or not. So tired out and so much work yet to do around here. Inspection is tomorrow about noon. My back is screaming for a good crack!!! LOL
Connie THANKYOU for sending me your link to the carepage for Butch!!! IT WORKED!!!! I am now able to go in!!!!!
My mom had a dr appointment today I think she said...wonder how she did going down and then back up the steps...other than that she said they told her she is doing A+++++++ in her therapy!!!!! WOW!!!!! Prayers much appreciated!!!!! Keep them going for her!!! THANKYOU!!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Hello sistas!
Here I sit, wrung out and exhausted. The last 24 hours have been a challenge, to say the least. I won't repeat everything I posted on carepages here, but I will say that I am past ready for this place to get my husband's treatment going! I'm sick of watching him be sick. I want him to feel well again!
I spent last night in his hospital room--something just told me not to go back to the hotel--and we had a long rough night. I maybe got 2 hours sleep. Maybe. So I'm draggin' pretty low today. I hope I feel good enough about him to be able to go back to the hotel to sleep tonight. Right now I don't. But they just started a new medication on him for his heart, so maybe by bedtime he will have improved.
We did get very good news about his clinical trial this morning. The selection of which group he would be placed in was random, but we just prayed and left it in God's hands. The nurse was quite excited to tell us about the group he got. She thinks it is the best possible one for his particular type of cancer.
Christie still didn't get to come down to Houston today. Benny wasn't running a fever this morning, but he was complaining of a headache still, so she kept him home from school and stayed home with him. Which is exactly what she needed to do, but gee, I sure was looking forward to having her here with me a couple of days. And of course, Carrie can't come until Thursday, and I'm hopeful we will be going home by then. So it looks like it's just me all on my own for now. That's okay. I'm a tough cookie. I can do it. (But I can do it better if I get some sleep!)
I desperately need to do some laundry, but maybe we can hold out another couple of days. I did let the hotel do a little of my laundry a couple of nights ago. Holy cow! $3 apiece for panties!!! But I had to have clean underwear. I have 3 pairs of pants that I just keep wearing with a variety of tops. Nothing is really dirty, but nothing is really fresh either. The hotel does have a guest laundry, and I did bring quarters and soap, but I just don't have the 2+ hours it will take to do the loads right now. I get back to the hotel around 10 p.m. every night, and I am up and gone by 8 a.m. Not much time left to do laundry.
I got a huge packet of stuff from the clinical trial and I need to read through it all very carefully. I have about a 3 page checklist that I have to go through daily and record every little detail about Butch's condition and symptoms and treatments, etc. Of course, he won't have every symptom, and some of them I'll just mark with an X, but I have to track it all very carefully. Then we come back here every 3 weeks and I turn that list in and get a new one to fill out for the next 3 weeks. He'll have to have labs drawn at home and then again every time we come here. Being in a clinical trial is lots of homework.
LOL! I guess as Eileen says, it's KARMA. I'm getting paid back for all the homework I used to assign my students. Ha!
I hope you all know how much I love you. I feel a bit selfish to come on here and just talk about myself non-stop and rarely respond to anyone else. It's not that I'm not interested or that I don't care about what's going on in your lives. I'm just so overwhelmed with everything that's going on in my life right now, I have no extra energy to spare. But I do read your posts and think about you and pray for you all. We are sistas! This is the best group I've every belonged to.
Love you all!
Oh, dear. I just got some very sad news. One of my very good friends was on vacation in New Mexico this week with her family when she got word that her dad died suddenly today. She just messaged me. They have packed up their camping gear, gassed up, and are headed back to Kansas now. She's hours away from her mom. I feel so badly for her!
Please say a prayer for Lisa and her mom and her whole family. She has 4 boys who just lost their only grandpa.